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Little Aths Newsletter


NEWSLETER – October 22nd, 2015.

It’s great to see so many of our Little Athletes back from last year and I’d like to extend a very warm welcome to all our new families! We hope you have a successful season!

After only 3 weeks, the kids seem to be getting into the swing of things, listening out for calls, going to their events in groups and generally looking out for each other. Fantastic to see J

Jetstar Day was HUGE last week and we hope the kids enjoyed the carnival feel to the day. This week is another special occasion – MARCH PAST. For those that are not aware, MARCH PAST is the opportunity to showcase our club to the rest of the centre. We will gather together under the tent at 8am for Geelong Guild team photos (don’t be late!!!) and we will then march behind our banners and flags down the front straight. I will have green balloons, streamers and ribbons available so make sure you bring along any GREEN wigs, hats, tutus etc… so you are decked out in GREEN Geelong Guild best!

Photos from this day will be used in our end of season Guild book / website and facebook page so it is vital that I get parental approval for the children’s images to be used. Please see me at the desk on Saturday to sign your approval or note that you do NOT want your child photographed.

To answer some frequently asked questions…


The one bib is used for the entire season. Please do not lose it – I do not have replacements. Replacements can be ordered at $5 each from the competition office.

My suggestions are:

  1. Parents photograph the barcode and save it onto their computer. The barcode and the 5 digit number underneath are essential to receive results. The children can still compete if you have misplaced / lost their bib if you have this number.

  2. Parents consider laminating the front of the bib. In past seasons, chemicals in sunscreen / rid etc…have worn away at the text on the bib so that the barcode doesn’t work.


Jetstar patches are to be sewn on to the uniform on the child’s RIGHT chest (or LEFT if you are looking at them). The Centre will enforce this from this week and your child may be sent back from an event if it is not on. (I also have pins and double-sided Velcro to make do for a week or two).


I apologise for the delay in the new uniforms – orders were expected last week but they may still take another 2 / 3. Thank-you for your patience.

  1. DUTY

Please check on the board what Duty Team you are in and when you next required for shot put duty. The more notice you give us the easier it is to organise a switch if you cannot do your allocated day. Many hands make light work J

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