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Youth (U/12-16) Training Camp

For many of you, Little Athletics has been a wonderful experience – learning new skills, making new friends, learning how to compete as a team and maybe even winning the odd medal or two! Once you start competing in Under/12 or above, you might also like to consider the prospect of transitioning though to Senior Athletics. Athletics Victoria offers junior athletes extra opportunities for event competition on a Saturday afternoon along with a number of additional State and National Championships.

We would like to encourage all U/12 athletes and above to consider transitioning though to Senior Athletics over the next few years. This pre-season, Geelong Guild are organising a school holiday Youth Training Camp at Anglesea YMCA to engage athletes (u12-16) currently with AV OR with Little Athletics. We believe this will be a great opportunity to build friendships and athletic connections and prepare athletes for a successful 2016/17 season.


The Camp will be led by a number of coaches associated with Geelong Guild including; Mandi Cole, Stewart Poulter, Cindy Holzer and Alistair McLean and will be a 3 day / 2 night experience. The Camp proposes to cover Goal setting, Strength and conditioning, Running skills, Recovery, Nutrition, Sports Psychology and Sportsmanship.

Tentative dates are 19th / 20th / 21st Sept and will cost approximately $200 per child / $150 per additional sibling. This includes accommodation, meals Mon Dinner / Tues Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner / Wed Breakfast, Lunch and all training.

If you would like further information or would like to book your child into this camp (as numbers are capped at 30), please contact:

Cindy Holzer at or ph 0403 594 299 by 21 August2016.

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Cindy Holzer

0403 594 299

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